Lead Generation For Attorney

Attracting new clients is crucial for any attorney or law firm looking to grow their practice. However, lead generation can be a challenging and time-consuming process. This is where a specialized legal marketing agency like Marketer can make a big difference. Our customized lead generation services for lawyers are designed to deliver a steady flow of quality prospects interested in your legal services.

Generating Quality Leads for Attorneys

In today’s competitive market, lawyers can no longer rely solely on referrals or their existing book of business to gain new clients. They need to take a proactive approach to lead generation using proven strategies and tactics. Many attorneys struggle with business development and do not have the time or marketing expertise to generate their own leads. This is where Marketer steps in. Our dedicated team focuses solely on producing leads for attorneys in a compliant and cost-effective manner.

lead generation for attorneys

How We Generate New Leads For Lawyers & Law Firms

Marketer utilizes a multi-channel approach to attract prospective new clients for our law firm partners. Some of the marketing tactics we may employ include:

Search Engine Optimization

Marketer makes your law firm website show up higher in Google search results. We do this by using keywords that people search for when looking for a lawyer. We make sure those words are on your website pages and content. We also get other websites to link back to your site. When your website ranks higher, more people will find it and visit it from Google. This helps your law firm get more leads.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

With Pay-Per-Click ads, your law firm’s ad shows up at the top of Google when someone searches for a legal service you offer. For example, “personal injury lawyer.” Marketer sets these ads up for you. We choose the right keywords so your ads target people needing a lawyer. When someone clicks your ad, they go to your website. Paying for these ads gets your website in front of people at the moment they are looking for your services.

Social Media Marketing

Marketer manages social media marketing for your law firm on sites like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. We post helpful legal content daily that informs people about your services. Interested people can then follow your law firm and become leads. We build your audience on social media and promote your services. This attracts potential new clients.

Content Marketing

Marketer creates useful articles, videos, ebooks and blog posts about legal topics that your ideal clients care about. People find this content online and learn about your law firm’s experience. Quality content builds trust and gets your website traffic. When visitors are ready for a lawyer, they contact you. Content marketing helps position your law firm as an expert.

Email Marketing

We send emails to past clients and potential new leads to inform them about your law firm. Reminding them about your services keeps you top of mind. We can segment emails, so each person gets a message relevant to their needs. Email nurtures relationships over time. This converts subscribers into clients.


Marketer has your law firm sponsor or attend conferences, seminars, networking events and more. These let you meet many prospective clients face-to-face. Being able to describe your services personally is powerful. We target events where your ideal clients will be. You can make connections that turn into leads.

Marketer handles all these marketing tactics for you. We know how to do them the right way. This saves you time and gets your law firm qualified leads. We make sure all marketing follows the rules lawyers must follow. Let our team generate leads for your law firm so you can focus on your clients.

The Key Benefits of Our Attorney Lead Generation Services

There are several advantages to outsourcing lead generation to a specialist like Marketer versus trying to do it in-house:

  • Time Savings – Our comprehensive services free up your time so you can focus on the legal work you do best – practicing law.
  • Expertise – Our dedicated marketing team is experienced in proven B2B lead generation strategies. We handle the entire process for you.
  • Targeted Outreach – We research and identify your ideal clients, then craft targeted messaging to resonate with their specific needs.
  • Compliance – We ensure all marketing activities abide by legal advertising rules and state bar regulations.
  • Measurable Results – You receive qualified, trackable leads along with detailed analytics and reporting.

Time Savings

Generating leads takes a lot of time and work. Marketer handles every part of the process for you. This saves you and your staff countless hours. You don’t have to figure out marketing tactics, create content, or make ads. We take care of it all using proven methods. This frees up your schedule so you can focus on practicing law and serving clients. Our team becomes your full-time marketing department. Let us worry about bringing in leads.


Marketer’s team is made up of experts who specialize in legal marketing and lead generation. We stay on top of the latest marketing techniques that get results. Things change fast in the digital world. You can count on our experience using the most effective current methods. We know how to target your perfect potential clients. Our sole focus is lead generation for law firms.

Targeted Outreach

We learn all about your ideal clients and what makes them tick. This lets us craft marketing messages that resonate with their specific needs and concerns. Our outreach is personalized and relevant. We reach out to the right prospective clients who are more likely to become leads. Targeted marketing is more effective than just blasting the same general message.


As marketers, we understand all the special rules lawyers must follow. Your reputation depends on compliant legal advertising. Marketer ensures your law firm stays within state bar regulations and ethics rules. We keep you compliant because we only use approved lead generation strategies. You avoid issues when experts handle marketing.

Measurable Results

Marketer provides detailed analytics showing all our lead generation efforts. You see real data on leads generated, marketing ROI and more. We set goals and track progress so you know what’s working. Instead of vague promises, we deliver clear, measurable results. Numbers don’t lie. This allows us to refine your program for optimal performance.

The Types of Leads We Deliver For Legal Service Providers

Not all leads are created equal. Our lead generation services are customized to deliver the types of new prospective clients that best fit your practice areas and target customer profile. Here are some examples of high-quality leads we can generate:

  • Inbound Leads – These result from our inbound marketing efforts like SEO and content. Site visitors fill out contact forms or call your office directly.
  • Referral Leads – We actively build relationships with professional referral sources who can recommend your firm to their clients.
  • Event Leads – We meet face-to-face with prospects at trade shows, seminars and other relevant events.
  • Outbound Leads – Our team conducts targeted outbound prospecting via phone and email to initiate new relationships.
  • Social Media Leads – We nurture leads through your law firm’s social media networks.
  • Advertising Leads – Paid search, display and direct mail advertising delivers prospects interested in your practice.

Put Our Lead Generation Services to Work for You

Let Marketer take the difficulty out of business development. Our customized lead generation programs deliver a consistent flow of prospects so you can grow your client base and expand your law firm. We focus on quality over quantity and provide reporting and tracking to demonstrate our results. To learn more about partnering with Marketer for your lead generation needs, contact us today for a free consultation.

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