Pay Per Click Services

Looking to boost your online visibility and capture more targeted leads? Marketer offers expert pay-per-click (PPC) management services to help your business get found by your ideal customers. Our skilled team of PPC specialists will set up and optimize pay-per-click campaigns across Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram and other top advertising platforms. With over a decade of experience running profitable pay-per-click campaigns, Marketer has the proven expertise to increase your website traffic, leads and sales. We handle everything from campaign setup and daily management to in-depth performance analysis. Let us tailor a data-driven PPC strategy designed to maximize your return on ad spend.

Affordable PPC Services For Quick Brand Promotions

Marketer is a top pay-per-click (PPC) management agency. We specialize in creating and managing profitable PPC campaigns for businesses of all sizes. Our dedicated PPC experts will handle everything required to get your ads in front of your target audience across major search engines and advertising platforms.

With over a decade of experience running successful PPC campaigns, Marketer has the proven methodology and expertise required to increase your leads and sales through paid search ads. We stay on top of the latest updates and algorithms to make sure your campaigns are optimized for maximum performance.

Our data-driven approach enables us to set up, test and tweak your PPC campaigns based on key metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate, cost per acquisition, and return on ad spend. This allows us to optimize your budget allocation and improve the effectiveness of your ads.

pay per click services

We Offer PPC Campaign Management Services Across these Major Platforms:

  • Google Ads
  • Microsoft Advertising
  • Amazon Sponsored Ads
  • Facebook and Instagram Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Retargeting campaigns

Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) makes up the bulk of most PPC marketing budgets. With more than 90% market share, Google Ads reach more searchers than any other network. Our Google Ads management services include:

  • Campaign setup based on your goals, budget and targeting
  • Extensive keyword research to identify high-potential search queries
  • Design and optimization of text, image, video and responsive ads
  • Utilizing advanced features like extensions and location targeting
  • Bid adjustments and A/B testing to improve click-through and conversion rates
  • Regular performance analysis and optimization recommendations

We’ll make sure your ads show up exactly when and where your potential customers are searching for your products or services. Our Google Ads experts stay on top of the latest features and updates to leverage them for your campaigns.

Microsoft Advertising Management

After Google, Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads) is the second largest PPC platform. Marketer can help you:

  • Set up and optimize Microsoft Advertising campaigns
  • Conduct keyword and negative keyword research
  • Write compelling ad copy tailored for the platform
  • Set up conversion tracking for better performance measurement
  • Optimize landing pages to increase conversion rates
  • Adjust bids to balance clicks and conversions within your budget
  • Track campaign analytics and provide optimization recommendations

Microsoft Advertising grants access to searchers within Yahoo and AOL in addition to Bing. Our team will make sure your brand and offers reach this valuable audience.

Amazon Sponsored Ads

For ecommerce brands selling on Amazon, sponsored ads are essential for visibility. Marketer specializes in Amazon PPC management services like:

  • Sponsored Products ads to promote individual product listings
  • Sponsored Brands ads to increase brand awareness
  • Headline Search ads targeting keyword searches on Amazon
  • Product Display ads to engage users browsing Amazon
  • Automatic targeting options to serve your ads to the right shoppers
  • Optimization of bids and budgets to improve sales and ROI

We’ll help you stand out from the competition and make the most of Amazon’s massive built-in audience of purchase-ready shoppers.

Facebook & Instagram Ads

With over 2.5 billion monthly active users between them, Facebook and Instagram offer unparalleled reach for PPC campaigns.

Marketer’s social media ads management includes:

  • Creating and optimizing Facebook/Instagram ad campaigns
  • Setting up detailed targeting options (interests, behaviors, demographics etc.)
  • Designing engaging ad creative (image, video, carousel etc.)
  • Writing compelling copy tailored for each platform
  • Managing daily campaign budgets and bids
  • Leveraging detailed analytics for optimization

Our experts will help refine your social media PPC campaigns to increase brand awareness, website traffic and conversion rates. We stay updated on the latest ad formats, targeting options and placement opportunities.

LinkedIn Ads

With a user base comprised of over 740 million professionals, LinkedIn advertising presents a major opportunity to connect with your B2B target audience.

Our LinkedIn PPC services include:

  • Sponsored content and sponsored InMail campaigns
  • Highly-targeted campaign configuration based on job title, industry, skills etc.
  • Catchy text ads optimized for user engagement
  • Management of daily budgets and bids
  • Audience expansion to reach additional relevant professionals
  • Performance tracking and optimization for lead generation

Marketer will run tailored LinkedIn ad campaigns to raise awareness and boost leads for your B2B brand.

Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting (or remarketing) helps you re-engage website visitors through targeted ads across platforms. Marketer can set up effective retargeting campaigns including:

  • Pixel implementation for audience tracking
  • Lookalike modeling to find new potential customers
  • Dynamic ads with special offers tailored to each visitor
  • Time-based sequencing to re-target visitors at optimal intervals
  • Cross-channel retargeting across social, search, and display
  • Measurement of retargeting impact on conversions

We’ll make sure your brand stays top of mind with hot prospects already familiar with your business. Our remarketing campaigns will nudge them towards a purchase or conversion.

Benefits of Marketer’s PPC Management Services

By partnering with Marketer for your PPC campaigns, you can expect to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Increased brand visibility through strategically placed ads on high-traffic platforms
  • Higher lead generation and sales with optimized ads focused on conversion
  • Improved return on ad spend from a metrics-driven approach and constant testing
  • Saved time and resources compared to managing PPC campaigns in-house
  • Reduced wasted ad spend with tight targeting and budget management
  • The ability to scale up successful campaigns for growth
  • Deeper analytics and insights compared to ad platform dashboards
  • Ongoing optimization and adaptation to maximize results

When you choose Marketer as your pay-per-click management partner, you get the expertise of a proven, experienced team solely focused on driving ROI from your PPC budgets across every major online advertising platform.

Why Choose Marketer as Your PPC Agency?

When considering a PPC agency to handle your valuable marketing budget and campaigns, you must pick a partner you can trust fully. Here are some of the main reasons discerning businesses choose Marketer as their pay-per-click agency:

  • Industry Experience: Our decade-plus of experience managing successful PPC campaigns across every major platform sets us apart. We apply proven PPC best practices tailored to your industry.
  • Methodical Process: We follow a set workflow focused on optimizing every aspect of your campaigns from targeting and copywriting to landing pages and bidding.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: You won’t have to wonder if your PPC budget is being put to good use. We rely on hard data and metrics to inform optimization.
  • Granular Tracking: We install enhanced tracking to monitor conversions and ROI from each source right down to the keyword-level. Nothing gets optimized without proper tracking.
  • Owned & Managed: Marketer is not a freelancer but a real brand you can trust. Your accounts are handled by our employees, not outsourced.
  • Custom Strategies: Whether you’re a startup launching your first campaigns or an established brand seeking to scale up, we craft strategies tailored to your specific business goals.
  • Full Transparency: You own the campaigns. We provide full access and complete transparency into your accounts and the changes being made.
  • No Lock-in Contracts: We want to earn your business each month. There are no long-term commitments required to work with us.
  • Dedicated Account Rep: A knowledgeable account manager will oversee your campaigns from start to finish and serve as your go-to PPC expert.

Marketer manages over $1 million in paid search advertising spend each year for our exclusive clientele. Our current clients span diverse industries like healthcare, ecommerce, finance, and SaaS. We’re driven to deliver consistent performance and truly partner with our clients for long-term growth powered by paid advertising.

Our Account Managers combine creative thinking, analytical rigor, and hard-won experience to drive maximum ROI from your PPC campaigns month after month. They will exceed your expectations for what a top-tier pay-per-click agency should deliver.

The Marketer Difference

Most businesses can launch paid ads on Google, Facebook and other advertising platforms on their own quite easily these days. But getting the most out of your PPC budget requires specialized expertise and constant optimization.

At Marketer, managed PPC campaigns aren’t just a task we perform for clients – they are our sole focus as a business. We commit teams of specialists, use advanced tracking and leverage our experience from managing over $1 million in annual ad spend to maximize your advertising ROI.

Our strategic approach includes:

  • Goal-focused account setup and initial optimization
  • In-depth campaign analysis to identify optimization opportunities
  • Keyword-level performance measurement and bid adjustments
  • A/B and split testing of various campaign elements
  • Management during holidays, sales and seasonal peaks
  • Routine check-ins and optimization meetings
  • Detailed monthly reporting with insights and recommendations

Marketer develops custom workflows to meet each client’s unique requirements. And we collaborate closely with your other marketing initiatives like email marketing and content campaigns to create synergies.

Our transparent approach gives you complete visibility while we handle the day-to-day minutiae required for PPC success. This frees you up to focus on core business priorities while enjoying the higher sales generated by our management services.

We recognize the money you entrust to us for paid advertising is a key business investment, not an expense. Our goal is to maximize your PPC return on investment (ROI) month after month.

Contact Marketer for a Free PPC Consultation

We welcome the opportunity to learn more about your business goals and provide expert insight into how properly managed PPC campaigns can drive growth for your company.

You can schedule a free custom consultation with Marketer by:

  • Email At
  • Reaching out via our website contact form

Some of the topics we can cover during an initial consultation include:

  • Your current advertising approach and goals
  • A competitor analysis of PPC efforts in your industry
  • Untapped PPC opportunities suitable for your business
  • Recommendations for a comprehensive PPC strategy
  • Reporting and analytics needs
  • Any questions you have about pay-per-click campaigns

This no-obligation consultation allows us to evaluate if Marketer’s managed services are the right fit to meet your business objectives.

Investing in pay-per-click advertising requires upfront budget and buy-in from stakeholders. We want you to feel 100% confident choosing Marketer as your PPC agency.

The consultation will provide an open forum for us to address any concerns or doubts about handing over your PPC campaigns. We take pride in full transparency from the very start.

Don’t leave the potential of a professionally managed PPC program untapped any longer. Contact Marketer today to schedule your free consultation and start growing your business through targeted, data-driven advertising.

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