Ecommerce SEO Services

Standing out in the crowded ecommerce space takes smart search engine optimization (SEO). With Marketer’s customized ecommerce SEO services, we can help your online store get found and drive more sales. Our proven SEO strategies are tailored to your business goals and products. We start with an in-depth audit of your current website to identify areas for improvement. From there, we use ongoing keyword research, content optimization, technical fixes, link building and conversion rate optimization to boost your search visibility. Our data-driven approach to ecommerce SEO is focused on results. Let us help you connect with more high-intent customers and beat the competition.

Stand Out from the Competition with Marketer’s Ecommerce SEO Services

As an online store owner, you know how crowded the ecommerce space has become. With so many competitors, getting found by customers is tougher than ever. How will shoppers find your products above everyone else?

The answer is ecommerce search engine optimization (SEO) from Marketer.

Our customized SEO solutions help ecommerce businesses like yours stand out in search results. We use proven tactics to improve your store’s visibility and drive more organic traffic from search engines.

With Marketer, you get:

  • An in-depth SEO audit of your current website to identify areas for improvement. We look at technical factors, content, backlinks and more.
  • Ongoing keyword research to optimize your site for terms customers actually search for when ready to buy. We help you rank higher for searches that matter most.
  • Content optimization to better highlight your products and improve relevance for search engines.
  • Link building to boost your authority and rankings in search results.
  • Conversion rate optimization to turn more traffic into sales.
  • Detailed analytics to showcase the ROI of our SEO services.

Marketer’s ecommerce SEO gives you an edge against the competition. We tailor proven SEO strategies specifically for your store and products. Our goal is to help customers find you above everyone else.

Stop blending in with the competition. Stand out with targeted ecommerce SEO from Marketer. Contact us today for a free website audit and competitive analysis. Let’s discuss how to drive more traffic and sales for your online store.

ecommerce seo services

Drive More Traffic and Sales with Ecommerce SEO Services Now

For online stores, getting found by customers is critical to success. Yet with so much competition, standing out can be a real challenge. That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in.

SEO helps your ecommerce site show up higher in search engines like Google so you get seen by more potential customers. The higher you rank for keywords shoppers are searching, the more traffic you drive to your online store. More quality traffic means more sales and revenue for your business.

But not just any SEO will do. You need an ecommerce-focused SEO strategy tailored for your specific store and goals. Generic, one-size-fits-all SEO won’t cut it in such a competitive space.

That’s where Marketer’s specialized ecommerce SEO services come in. Keep reading to learn how we can help your online store get found and drive more sales through structured, data-driven SEO.

The Importance of SEO for Ecommerce Businesses

SEO is crucial for ecommerce businesses for many reasons:

  • Most shoppers use search engines like Google to find products and stores. SEO gets you in front of them when they are ready to buy.
  • Higher SEO rankings drive more organic traffic to your site from search engines. More quality traffic means more sales.
  • SEO traffic converts better because people are actively searching for your products or services.
  • A strong SEO strategy sets you apart from the competition. It’s one of the most effective ways to stand out.
  • Optimizing for keywords that convert helps you focus your efforts on terms that customers are using to find you.
  • SEO builds authority and trust in your brand, which further boosts conversions.

Simply put, SEO can be a powerful growth channel for ecommerce businesses. It helps you connect with buyers when they are ready to make a purchase. SEO gets you in front of high-intent customers actively looking for your niche.

And in the competitive world of ecommerce, standing out in search is necessary to thrive. With Marketer’s ecommerce SEO services, we can help you do exactly that.

Marketer’s Data-Driven Approach to Ecommerce SEO

Marketer takes an analytics-focused, data-driven approach to ecommerce SEO. We customize our strategies based on in-depth analysis of your site and market.

Here is an overview of how we shape an effective SEO strategy:

SEO Audit of Your Current Website

First, we conduct a detailed audit of your current website. In case you don’t have a website yet, have an e-commerce web development from experts. Further, the audit includes looking at:

  • Technical SEO factors like site speed, mobile optimization, site indexing, structured data, security, etc. We pinpoint any issues negatively impacting performance.
  • On-page optimization factors like page titles, meta descriptions, content, URL structure, internal linking, etc. This shows optimization opportunities.
  • Off-page factors like backlinks, citations, reviews, social media, etc. This helps assess overall authority and visibility.
  • Competitor analysis to see where you currently stand and what works well in your niche.
  • Thorough keyword analysis and gap assessment using proven tools.

This audit provides 360-degree insights into problem areas and areas for improvement. It forms the foundation for enhancing your ecommerce SEO.

Ongoing Keyword Research In-depth keyword research underpins our entire SEO process. We use proven tactics and tools to identify high-value keywords and terms that align with your products and services.

Our keyword research helps:

  • Build out keyword-optimized pages and content across your site to target rankings for core terms.
  • Focus your SEO efforts on terms that attract qualified shoppers so you rank for searches that matter.
  • Uncover long-tail variations of core keywords to expand your reach.
  • Group keywords into topics and themes to create an effective content architecture.

By constantly expanding your keyword scope, we ensure you rank well for all searches your customers are using.

Optimizing Existing Content

Your current website content is optimized to boost rankings. This includes:

  • Improving content structure and organization to make pages more scannable.
  • Enhancing content focus around core topics so each page has a clear purpose.
  • Optimizing content for important keywords, including meta titles and descriptions.
  • Improving internal linking to enhance topical relevance.
  • Adding related keywords naturally throughout content for semantic SEO.

This makes your existing content work harder from an SEO perspective.

Creating New Ecommerce Content

To round out your content marketing efforts, we create new long-form content to help drive more organic traffic. This includes:

  • In-depth blog posts and guides related to your products and industry.
  • Content focused on ranking for untapped keyword opportunities.
  • Visual content like infographics, photos, and videos to appeal to visual searches.
  • Optimized product pages with detailed copy, specs, images, etc.
  • Landing pages tailored to specific high-value keywords.

New, high-quality content aligned with buyer keywords gives your SEO a major boost.

Improving Technical SEO Factors

Good technical SEO provides a strong foundation for ecommerce sites. Based on the audit, we implement technical fixes like:

  • Improving website speed and performance.
  • Ensuring site security through HTTPS.
  • Fixing any indexing issues for better crawler accessibility.
  • Enhancing website’s structured data for rich snippets.
  • Optimizing for mobile responsiveness across devices.
  • Resolving any errors, broken links, duplicate content issues.
  • Adding alt text and captions to images for visual SEO.

Strong technical SEO helps build authority and leads to better crawling, indexing, ranking and click-through rates.

Link Building for Ecommerce

Link building is vital for ecommerce SEO success. High-quality backlinks from relevant industry websites boost your domain authority and search visibility.

We focus on securing backlinks from:

  • Relevant blogs and niche websites to improve topical authority.
  • Online directories, review platforms and listings to build local SEO signals.
  • Industry roundups, buying guides, comparison posts from authoritative sites.
  • Guest posting and contributor outreach for byline links.
  • Strategic link insertion opportunities.
  • Competitor link analysis to identify new link prospects.

Our link building tactics help strengthen your website’s visibility and domain authority in search engines over time.

Conversion Rate Optimization

SEO and conversion rate optimization go hand-in-hand. Traffic is pointless without conversions.

That’s why we optimize your on-site elements to boost conversions after bringing shoppers to your site. This includes:

  • Optimizing product and category pages for engagement and sales.
  • Testing calls-to-action, buttons, forms, etc. to improve performance.
  • Optimizing site navigation and menus for usability.
  • Using trust factors like security badges, ratings, reviews, etc.
  • Implementing special offers, incentives, and exit-intent popups.

Small conversion rate optimization changes can add up to big revenue wins.

Track Your SEO Results and ROI

A key part of our ecommerce SEO process involves detailed analytics and reporting. This helps you:

  • Track SEO KPIs like rankings, traffic, click-through rates over time.
  • See how specific posts, keywords and backlinks impact rankings.
  • Monitor organic sales and revenue driven by SEO.
  • Spot issues early so we can optimize efforts.
  • Prove the ROI and value of our SEO services.

Robust analytics ensures your ecommerce SEO strategy stays on track.

Ongoing Optimization and Support

SEO is an ongoing process requiring constant updates as search algorithms and best practices evolve. Rest assured we continue optimizing and improving your strategy after launch.

We also provide ongoing support and training for your in-house team so they can build on the results. Our goal is to drive long-term, sustainable search growth through evergreen SEO.

Increase Your Ecommerce Sales With Robust SEO Services

Robust SEO is a must for ecommerce success today. It helps customers find your online store amid all the competition. With Marketer’s tailored ecommerce SEO services, we can help your store:

  • Improve search visibility and rankings for more organic traffic.
  • Stand out from competitors with differentiated SEO strategies.
  • Focus your efforts on terms and topics that attract high-intent customers.
  • Create content aligned with search behavior to boost sales.
  • Build authority and trust through optimization across channels.
  • Continuously refine your ecommerce SEO for long-term, sustainable growth.

In short, our data-driven SEO gets you in front of motivated shoppers ready to buy from your store. Contact us today to learn more about our specialized ecommerce SEO services. We offer a free website SEO audit to help assess your current efforts. Let’s discuss how to drive more traffic and sales through structured SEO tailored for your online store’s niche, audience and goals.

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