Hotel Digital Marketing Services

Marketer specializes in innovative digital marketing solutions tailored for hotels and resorts. For over a decade, we have helped hospitality brands worldwide build their presence online, attract qualified website traffic, and drive direct bookings. We create customized digital strategies to meet each hotel’s unique needs and business goals. Our experts stay on top of the latest trends to get you results. We handle all aspects of your hotel’s digital presence while providing in-depth analytics and dedicated account management.

Attention Hotel Owners: Take Your Bookings to New Heights with Marketer’s Digital Marketing!

In today’s digital world, a strong online presence is critical for hotel success. At Marketer, we specialize in digital marketing solutions tailored specifically for hotels, resorts, and hospitality brands. With over a decade of experience, we have powered the online growth of properties ranging from independent boutiques to globally recognized chains.

Our data-driven digital marketing services are focused on one goal: driving direct bookings for your hotel. How do we accomplish this?

  • We increase your visibility and attract qualified traffic through search engine optimization, paid advertising, email marketing, and more.
  • We build your reputation and trust with potential guests via online reviews and social media management.
  • We enhance engagement through stunning, mobile-friendly website design and compelling visual content.
  • We connect with travelers searching for accommodations in your local area using location-based marketing.
  • We analyze key metrics and optimize campaigns to maximize your return on investment.

The result? You gain more bookings, lower acquisition costs, and higher RevPAR. Our clients typically achieve:

  • 20-30% increase in website traffic within 6 months
  • 15-20% increase in direct bookings within 12 months
  • Improved guest satisfaction from online reputation management
  • Measurable ROI from data-driven campaigns

We become your trusted digital marketing partner through dedicated account management, ongoing performance analysis, and campaign optimization. Our experts stay on top of the latest trends and technologies to grow your reach.

Don’t leave your hotel’s online presence to chance. Gain the expertise to stand out from the competition with Marketer! Let’s discuss how we can elevate your direct bookings and revenue. Contact us today for your free digital marketing assessment.

hotel digital marketing services

Boost Your Hotel’s Online Presence with Marketer’s Digital Marketing

Marketer provides specialized digital marketing services for hotels and resorts. Our expert team helps you get more online visibility, website traffic, and direct bookings.

Design an Appealing, User-Friendly Website

Your hotel website is a key digital channel to engage guests. We design sites that:

  • Look modern, attractive and reflect your brand personality through images, colors and fonts. The layout is clean and highlights your services.
  • Are extremely easy and intuitive for visitors to use. The navigation menus are clear and make it simple to find information or make a booking. Internal site search helps guests easily find pages.
  • Accurately showcase your hotel’s unique identity and offerings through compelling photos, videos, andoptimized content. This builds excitement about the experiences at your property.
  • Are fully responsive on all devices like mobile phones, tablets, laptops etc. This ensures site visitors have an excellent experience regardless of the device they use.
  • Help you generate direct bookings by integrating your booking system and highlighting promotions. Easy booking leads to more conversions.

Our hotel website design process focuses on understanding your brand, offerings, target audiences and goals. Based on insights, we create information architecture, site maps, page layouts, and visual designs that bring your brand to life online. We also implement key technical elements for performance, conversions and search optimization.

Optimize for Higher Search Engine Rankings with SEO

Ranking high in search engines is crucial for potential guests to be able to find your hotel’s website. Our SEO experts will optimize your site through:

  • Comprehensive keyword research to identify terms travelers use to search for accommodations in your location. We choose relevant keywords to target.
  • Optimizing website content for those identified keywords so your pages have a better chance of ranking. We refine page titles, headings, meta descriptions etc.
  • Getting high-quality sites in your industry to link back to your website. More links signal search engines that your site is authoritative on hospitality.
  • Ensuring technical elements like site speed, internal links, alt text etc. meet search engine guidelines. We address any issues.
  • Regular monitoring of search rankings and traffic. We identify new opportunities to improve rankings.

Through our ongoing SEO efforts, we aim to have your website show up on the first page for searches related to your location and hotel offerings. The higher visibility draws more qualified visitors who are likely to convert into bookings.

Manage Your Reputation through Online Reviews

Your reputation online plays a major role in how potential guests perceive your property before they book. We help actively manage your online reputation by:

  • Monitoring reviews and feedback mentions about your property across review sites like Google, TripAdvisor, etc.
  • Responding promptly to all reviews in a professional manner – both positive and negative ones. Quick responses show guests you value their feedback.
  • Following up on negative reviews to address any legitimate shortcomings like facilities or service issues mentioned. This improves future experiences.
  • Thanking guests for posting positive reviews and encouraging them to share updates after future stays too. This fosters brand advocates.
  • Proactively collecting reviews from satisfied guests via email surveys and review cards. More positive reviews build trust.

Proactive online reputation management presents a better image of your hotel to potential guests searching online. This inspires confidence in your brand and positions you above competitors.

Paid search and display advertising enable you to promote your hotel to travelers as they browse online and search for accommodations. Our PPC experts execute campaigns across:

  • Search Engines like Google where we bid on relevant keyword searches related to location, price range, amenities etc. Our ads target those actively looking for hotels.
  • Travel websites like and Expedia where we showcase your property and bid for rankings in search results on those sites.
  • Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram where we engage the large audience by promoting your brand, location and property highlights.
  • Relevant websites, blogs and magazines in the travel space where we place highly visual display ads showcasing your hotel’s best features.

We manage bids and budgets across these networks to maximize results and return on ad spend. Our campaigns are optimized based on key metrics like click-through rate, cost per click, conversions and more. The combination of paid search and display greatly expands your visibility and brand awareness with those most likely to book.

Foster Engagement on Social Media

Social media provides a means to engage with both existing and potential guests while establishing your brand personality. Our social media experts manage and grow your presence across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc through:

  • Creating engaging daily content including text, image and video posts highlighting property features, local area, special deals and news.
  • Monitoring user-generated content like social mentions, guest photos and reviews. We respond and engage promptly.
  • Running targeted social ad campaigns like Facebook lead ads to attract potential guests and followers.
  • Leveraging relevant hashtags and promotions like Instagram contests to increase awareness and participation.
  • Providing custom analytics reporting across platforms to showcase engagement levels and audience insights. We optimize based on results.

Strategic social media management helps attract more followers and website traffic, while showcasing your brand personality to potential guests.

Use Emails to Nurture Leads and Guest Relationships

Email marketing enables more personalized and targeted communication with both leads and existing guests. Our services include:

  • Building segmented email lists based on user attributes like past bookers, loyalty members etc. and behaviors like abandoned carts.
  • Designing attractive, mobile-responsive templates that reflect your brand. Email content is optimized for click-throughs.
  • Developing and scheduling email campaigns centered around the guest lifecycle. This includes promotional emails, abandoned booking reminders, pre-stay confirmations, post-stay surveys etc.
  • A/B testing subject lines, email content and calls-to-action to continually improve open rates, click-throughs and conversions.
  • Tracking key email metrics to spot trends and opportunities to optimize future campaigns.

Strategic email marketing keeps guests engaged throughout their lifecycle, bringing in repeat bookings and referrals.

Boost Local Presence to Attract Nearby Travelers

Local search optimization helps travelers find and learn about your hotel when they are searching for accommodations near your location. Our local SEO tactics include:

  • Optimizing your Google My Business listing with complete details like photos, videos, amenities etc. This improves visibility in local search.
  • Earning positive local reviews on your GMB listing and other sites by offering exemplary service during guest stays. Reviews build trust.
  • Creating and optimizing listings on other local directories like Tripadvisor, Yellow Pages etc. to improve local citations.
  • Producing location-specific blog content on your website targeting relevant keywords that nearby travelers may use.
  • Encouraging guests to check-in and share photos of your property on social media during their stay. This signals your brand’s active local presence.

Strong local SEO makes you easier to find for potential guests already traveling in your area, leading to more walk-ins, same-day bookings and local reservations.

Showcase Your Hotel through Engaging Video

Video is an incredibly powerful medium to showcase your hotel visually in an engaging manner. Our video marketing services include:

  • Professionally filming your property and amenities to create promotional and walkthrough videos. These provide an authentic view of your guest experience.
  • Producing branded videos highlighting attractions and activities in your local area for guests. This gets them excited to visit.
  • Running YouTube video ads to reach potential travelers browsing video content related to your location and hotels.
  • Promoting new videos across channels like social media ads, email marketing, website banners etc. to maximize viewership.
  • Adding well-optimized videos across website pages like rooms, amenities etc. to increase engagement on your site.

Video gives potential guests a preview of your property and builds credibility for your brand. Memorable videos drive bookings.

Provide In-Depth Reporting and Analysis

We provide comprehensive reporting and analytics across all marketing efforts to showcase performance and return on investment. Our customizable reports include:

  • Traffic volume, sources, attribution and engagement metrics like pages per visit. This showcases website activity.
  • Lead and booking volume from different campaigns and channels. Helps identify top conversion sources.
  • SEO rankings and keyword data to track website visibility in searches.
  • Paid advertising performance like cost per click, conversions, and ROI across search, social, display ads etc.
  • Email statistics like open, click-through and unsubscribe rates. Plus subscriber engagement over time.
  • Local SEO insights like Google My Business traffic and search rankings.
  • Guest feedback, online reviews and social media monitoring.

The wealth of analytics we provide informs our campaign optimization efforts to continually improve your hotel’s performance and ROI.

Dedicated Account Management

Our digital marketing experts act as an extension of your team. We assign dedicated account managers who:

  • Maintain a deep understanding of your brand, property, offerings, target audiences and business goals.
  • Provide strategic guidance and ongoing optimization recommendations based on marketing performance and trends.
  • Keep you updated on campaign progress and results through weekly calls, monthly recaps and quarterly strategy reviews.
  • Monitor and report on the latest innovations and developments in digital marketing.
  • Respond promptly to any requests and concerns you may have.
  • We work collaboratively with your team to achieve your hotel’s business objectives and get you results!

Trust Marketer with Your Digital Marketing Needs

As you can see, our comprehensive digital marketing services help hotels like yours boost online visibility, attract qualified traffic across channels, convert visitors into direct bookings, and build lasting relationships with guests.

We become your trusted digital marketing partner, dedicated to driving results through data-driven strategies, expert execution, constant testing and optimization.

Contact us today for a complimentary digital marketing assessment. Let’s discuss how we can maximize your website traffic, bookings and revenue!

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