Digital Marketing Services For Healthcare

Healthcare organizations must have an online presence today to reach and connect with patients. Digital marketing provides the visibility and engagement needed to grow your practice in a competitive healthcare environment. Marketer offers a full range of digital marketing services tailored specifically for healthcare providers. We utilize proven strategies to increase your web traffic, patient acquisition, brand awareness, and revenue. Our customized services are designed to help your practice thrive online.

Best Digital Marketing Services for Healthcare Practices

Want more patients to find and choose your healthcare practice online? Marketer offers proven digital marketing tailored for providers. We drive results in SEO, paid search, social media, websites, email, and more.

Our customized strategies help you:

  • Rank higher on Google so nearby searches bring you patients.
  • Reach local consumers through targeted online ads.
  • Build your healthcare brand and visibility on social media.
  • Craft a high-converting website that represents your practice.
  • Acquire patient email lists for ongoing communication.
  • Manage online reviews to boost your reputation.
  • Track marketing analytics to optimize efforts.

We become your dedicated digital marketing team. With Marketer as your partner, you’ll gain the visibility and engagement needed to grow in competitive healthcare markets.

Let’s discuss how our full range of digital services can help your practice acquire more patients and referrals online. Contact us for a free consultation today. We’re ready to work with you.

digital marketing services for healthcare

The Importance of Digital Marketing in Healthcare

More than ever before, consumers are going online to find healthcare information and providers. Approximately 80% of internet users have researched health-related topics online. Nearly all of them report that the internet impacted their decision-making and healthcare choices.

Digital marketing enables your practice to capitalize on this consumer behavior. With effective strategies, you can reach patients throughout their entire buyer’s journey – from awareness to consideration, decision, and advocacy. The key is establishing your brand as a leading provider both locally and within your healthcare niche.

Marketer helps you accomplish this through customized packages utilizing one or more of these key services:

Search Engine Optimization

Ranking high on Google is crucial for healthcare providers, with over 70% of patients avoiding practices on page two or below. Our SEO services optimize your website’s technical elements and content for peak performance in search engines. This includes:

  • Conducting keyword research to identify terms prospective patients are searching. We build this data into website copy and structure.
  • Ensuring your site follows technical best practices for site speed, responsiveness, security, etc.
  • Updating website architecture using keywords to improve crawling and indexing.
  • Producing blog posts and web content optimized for SEO and user experience.
  • Building high-quality backlinks from other reputable sites to boost rankings.
  • Monitoring and reporting key SEO metrics like rankings, traffic, and conversions.
  • Staying updated on Google’s algorithm changes and best practices.

With our healthcare SEO expertise, we help you rank higher so more prospective patients find you online.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising lets your practice promote its website to people as they search online for specific healthcare terms and topics related to your services. With Google holding over 90% of the search engine market, our paid search services focus heavily on Google Ads alongside Bing Ads.

We handle setup, optimization, daily management, and performance reporting for your campaigns. This includes:

  • Researching relevant keywords and targeting methods.
  • Crafting compelling ad copy that generates clicks.
  • Developing landing pages that convert visitors into leads and patients.
  • Setting up conversion tracking to optimize campaigns for key goals.
  • Managing daily budgets and bids to maximize ROI.
  • Remotely monitoring, optimizing, and reporting campaign metrics.

PPC puts your services in front of prospective patients right when they’re searching for what you offer. We help you generate qualified web traffic at profitable costs.

Social Media Marketing

Today’s healthcare consumers are highly active on social media. Approximately 75% of them report social media influences their choice of healthcare provider.

Our social media marketing services focus on building your audience and engagement on the top platforms:

  • Facebook – We strategically post content and run ads to boost visibility.
  • Instagram – We share visual content and stories to highlight your brand personality.
  • YouTube – We post engaging videos that provide value and showcase your practice.
  • Twitter – We tweet relevant content and participate in healthcare Twitter chats.
  • LinkedIn – We build your professional brand and connections with customized posts.

Social media requires constant updating and interaction. We handle content creation, community management, ad campaigns, and reporting so you can focus on patients.

Reputation Management

Your online reputation heavily influences whether today’s consumers will trust you with their healthcare needs. We offer reputation management services to monitor and maintain your practice’s reputation across the web.

This includes monitoring key sites like Google My Business, Facebook, and top review platforms. We will claim and optimize all listings for consistency. When new reviews come in, we respond promptly and appropriately. We also utilize software tools and patient surveys to generate 5-star reviews that boost your overall ratings.

With constant reputation monitoring and quick response to feedback, we build the trust and authority needed to rank higher and earn more patient leads.

Website Design & Development

Your website is often the first impression prospective patients get of your practice. We offer custom website design suited for healthcare providers, with options including:

  • Custom healthcare templates designed for modern aesthetics, responsive design, and usability.
  • Optimized navigation, calls-to-action, and page layouts to drive conversions.
  • Integrations with your EHR/EMR, patient portal, and appointment scheduling system.
  • Designs that comply with HIPAA regulations and ADA website accessibility.
  • Development using optimized code and healthcare-focused content.
  • Mobile responsiveness so your site looks great on all devices.

We build healthcare websites focused on representing your brand while converting visitors into patients.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Your website’s conversion rates largely determine how much revenue it drives for your practice. Conversion rate optimization (CRO) improves these rates by identifying and fixing problems hindering conversion.

We perform in-depth analytics on your website performance and use CRO best practices to:

  • Optimize landing and services pages to better attract your target audience.
  • Improve calls-to-action so visitors clearly know next steps.
  • Remove friction in forms to reduce abandonment.
  • Test page layouts, copy variations, headlines, etc.

Our CRO expertise transforms your website into a lead and sales machine fine-tuned to convert healthcare traffic.

Online Listings and Directories

Local listings are vital for healthcare practices dependent on local search visibility. We optimize and manage your key listings, including:

  • Google My Business – Optimizing your profile and responding to reviews helps you rank in local search.
  • Facebook – Managing your business profile provides local reach.
  • Industry directories – We’ll submit your listings to healthcare directories like Healthgrades, RateMDs, Vitals, etc.
  • Review sites – We’ll post and manage listings on the top sites patients use to evaluate providers.

Optimized local listings give your practice maximized exposure on the sites most important for driving new local patients.

Email Marketing

Email marketing enables ongoing nurturing of current patients while also attracting new ones. We provide full-service email marketing tailored for healthcare providers, including:

  • Building customized email lists segmented by patient attributes like demographics, preferences, behaviors, etc.
  • Designing email sequences for needs like appointment reminders, visitor re-engagement, current patient nurturing, etc.
  • Crafting regular email newsletters that educate and engage subscribers.
  • Promoting special offers and limited-time promotions via email.
  • Tracking email performance metrics to optimize future campaigns.

Our expertise drives tangible results from your email campaigns.

The Benefits of Digital Marketing from Marketer

By leveraging our full range of digital marketing services, healthcare providers see powerful benefits:

  • Increased website traffic from target patient demographics.
  • Higher rankings in local search results.
  • Cost-effective patient acquisition from paid and organic search.
  • Improved local visibility and brand awareness through social media.
  • More 5-star reviews strengthening your online reputation.
  • Higher lead conversion and patient appointment booking.
  • A modern website optimized to convert visitors.
  • Measurably higher ROI across digital channels.

We accomplish this through proven strategies crafted specifically for healthcare providers. Our customized approach leads to more patients finding and choosing your practice online.

Who We Serve

Marketer provides digital marketing tailored for:

  • Healthcare systems and hospitals
  • Private practices and clinics
  • Dental practices
  • Chiropractors
  • Physical therapists
  • Mental health providers
  • Urgent care centers
  • And more

Let’s Discuss Your Healthcare Practice’s Digital Marketing Goals

To learn more about growing your healthcare organization through customized digital marketing, <call-to-action> contact Marketer</call-to-action> today for a free consultation. Our experts are ready to assess your current digital presence, goals, and challenges. We’ll craft a strategic approach to online success for your unique healthcare practice.

Reach more patients where it matters most – online. Partner with the healthcare digital marketing experts at Marketer.

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