Social Media Optimization Services

Looking to expand your reach and boost engagement on social media? Marketer offers expert Social Media Optimization Services tailored to help your brand thrive on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. Our data-backed strategies are focused on increasing your visibility, conversions, and ROI across every social channel. We handle everything from in-depth audits to day-to-day execution of optimizations like content creation, paid ads, and audience growth tactics. Marketer has the proven approach to transform how your business leverages social media marketing. Get in touch with our specialists to learn more about our customized social media optimization packages.

Boost Your Brand with Marketer’s Social Media Marketing Services

Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools for businesses today. With billions of active users, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer immense opportunities to connect with customers and grow your brand.

However, simply having social media accounts is not enough. To fully leverage these platforms, you need effective social media optimization and marketing strategies. This is where Marketer can help!

As a leading social media optimization agency, Marketer has helped dozens of businesses improve their social media presence and engagement. Our customized strategies are focused on your business goals, tailored to your target audience, and designed to deliver real ROI.

Connect now to know more about our social media optimization services and how we can transform your social media marketing.

social media optimization services

The Importance of Social Media Optimization

With consumers spending so much time on social media, it is essential for modern businesses to have an effective presence on these platforms. But what exactly is social media optimization?

Social media optimization refers to the process of fine-tuning social media accounts, strategies, and activities to maximize reach, engagement, conversions, and overall ROI.

Proper optimization can lead to:

  • Increased brand awareness and recall
  • Higher engagement rates on social content
  • More qualified traffic driven to your website
  • Improved conversions and sales
  • Better understanding of target audience interests
  • Outperforming competitor social media activity

Without optimization, your social media efforts are unlikely to reach their full potential. Marketer’s social media services focus on the optimization tactics that deliver measurable results.

Our 3-Step Social Media Optimization Approach

Marketer follows a proven 3-step methodology designed to boost your social media performance.

Step 1 – In-Depth Platform Analysis:

We begin by conducting in-depth analysis of your existing social media accounts and activity. This includes examining:

  • Current follower/fan counts
  • Engagement levels and response rates
  • Types of content shared and performance
  • Your audience demographics and interests
  • Competitor social media activity and benchmarks

This data-driven analysis gives us keen insights on what’s working, what can be improved, and opportunities available.

Step 2 – Strategy Development:

Next, we develop a tailored social media optimization strategy just for your business. This includes:

  • Setting platform-specific goals and KPIs to track
  • Crafting audience personas for targeted content
  • Building an editorial content calendar to plan posting
  • Selecting optimal formats and styles of content
  • Determining best times to post for maximum engagement
  • Planning social ad campaigns to boost reach and conversions
  • Choosing tools to streamline publishing and analytics

Your custom strategy aligns with your overall marketing objectives.

Step 3 – Execution:

With the strategy set, we now execute tactical optimizations across each social platform. This includes actions like:

  • Keyword research to create relevant content
  • Crafting visual assets optimized for each platform
  • Improving profile information and settings
  • Responding to audience interactions and questions
  • Joining relevant conversations with branded hashtags
  • Running and optimizing paid ad campaigns
  • A/B testing content variations to improve engagement
  • Monitoring metrics and optimizing based on performance

Our social media experts handle all required optimizations for you.

Expert Social Media Optimization Delivers Measurable ROI

Marketer’s 3-step social media optimization process has consistently delivered results like:

  • 60% increase in Facebook engagement
  • 75% more Instagram followers gained
  • 44% higher click-through rates from Twitter
  • 5X more leads generated from LinkedIn
  • 315% increase in YouTube subscribers

Our clients see significant improvements in both social media metrics and overall business KPIs. You gain insights on your social audience while reaching and converting more customers.

We optimize all major social platforms:

Facebook Marketing and Optimization

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains a crucial platform for marketers. Our Facebook optimization services help you improve reach, engagement, and conversions.

Services include:

  • Facebook page optimization: profile, imagery, settings
  • Content calendar creation and management
  • Posting video, images, carousels, Stories, live video
  • Audience research and segmentation
  • Lookalike audience modeling for ads
  • Keyword targeting for organic reach
  • Chatbot implementation for messaging
  • Landing page optimization for ads
  • Custom audience creation from email lists
  • Ad campaign management: creation, testing, optimization
  • Conversion tracking and sales funnels
  • Facebook Pixel implementation for data insights
  • Facebook Analytics setup and reporting

We develop cost-efficient, ROI-positive Facebook marketing strategies tailored for your goals. Our optimization best practices ensure your brand cut through the noise and connect with your ideal customers.

Instagram Marketing and Optimization

Instagram is the #1 image and video sharing platform today. Our Instagram optimization services help businesses stand out in the visually driven Instagram world.

Services include:

  • Instagram profile optimization
  • Content planning for visual appeal
  • Posting high-quality photos and short videos
  • Leveraging Instagram Stories and Reels
  • Strategic hashtag research and use
  • Optimized call-to-action overlays
  • Shoppable post creation and product tagging
  • Influencer marketing campaigns
  • Giveaways and contests to engage followers
  • Geo-targeted ad campaigns for local sales
  • Conversion tracking with the Instagram Pixel
  • Performance monitoring and improvement

We ensure your Instagram presence aligns seamly with your brand identity and engages your target audience. Our data-backed approach drives real Instagram growth and ROI.

Twitter Marketing and Optimization

Though smaller than other social platforms, Twitter offers valuable opportunities to connect with customers. Our Twitter optimization services maximize your brand’s visibility and impact.

Services include:

  • Twitter profile optimization
  • Targeted content creation and curation
  • Monitoring relevant conversations and hashtags
  • Crafting engaging tweets with visuals
  • Identifying key influencers to connect with
  • Paid campaign management: tweets, trends, followers
  • Conversion tracking with the Twitter Pixel
  • Analyzing tweet engagement and sentiment
  • Competitor benchmarking on Twitter
  • Twitter Chat participation for outreach
  • Lead gen card optimization
  • Twitter Moment creation for awareness

Our goal is to grow your Twitter follower base while positioning your brand as an authority in your niche. We know how to cut through the Twitter noise.

LinkedIn Marketing and Optimization

With 675+ million users, LinkedIn is essential for reaching B2B audiences. Our LinkedIn optimization services position your brand as a thought leader while generating more leads.

Services include:

  • Complete LinkedIn profile optimization
  • Regular publishing of blog posts and articles
  • Employee advocacy program setup
  • Sponsored content campaigns for visibility
  • Targeting decision makers with ads
  • Custom audience creation from website visitors
  • Lead gen form and ad optimization
  • Promoting webinars, events and offers
  • LinkedIn Group management and discussion
  • Curation of industry news and content
  • Company page optimization
  • Tracking website traffic and conversions

We implement LinkedIn marketing strategies tailored for awareness, lead gen, and recruitment. Our optimization maximizes your investment on this professional platform.

YouTube Marketing and Optimization

YouTube offers unmatched opportunities for brands to engage audiences using video. Our YouTube optimization services expand your reach and subscribers on the world’s #2 search engine.

Services include:

  • YouTube channel optimization: design, branding
  • Video content creation: promos, tutorials, etc.
  • Keyword research for video optimization
  • Optimized video titles, descriptions and tags
  • Regular video publishing schedule
  • Interaction with audience and influencers
  • Paid ad campaigns for suggested and discovery
  • Audience development: playlists, community tab
  • Performance tracking: views, CTR, watch time, etc.
  • YouTube Analytics configuration
  • Competitor research and benchmarking
  • YouTube SEO best practices implementation

We take advantage of YouTube’s immense potential for visibility and engagement. Our video strategy and optimization converts viewers into brand advocates.

Pinterest Marketing and Optimization

Pinterest is a top platform for visual discovery, planning, and inspiration. Our Pinterest optimization helps you engage with relevant audiences.

Services include:

  • Pinterest profile optimization
  • Curating and posting engaging Pin content
  • Promoting your Pins for maximum visibility
  • Participating in Group Boards for exposure
  • Targeting users with interests aligned to your brand
  • Implementing buyable Pins and Shop the Look
  • Developing Pin tailoring to different audience interests
  • Tracking website traffic and conversions from Pinterest
  • Performance analysis to refine your approach

We optimize your presence on this powerful visual platform, converting Pinners into customers.

In addition to platform-specific optimization, Marketer provides:

  • Unified social media management across all accounts
  • Centralized inbox for responding to customers
  • Ongoing audience insights research
  • Competitive benchmarking and analysis
  • Multi-channel campaign integration and tracking
  • Regular performance reports and optimization recommendations
  • Custom content creation: graphics, video, audio

With our end-to-end social media optimization services, you can finally maximize your return from these high-potential marketing platforms.

Social Media Marketing Packages

Marketer offers customizable social media optimization packages suited to your specific needs and budget.

Our packages include:

  1. Starter

Our Starter package is ideal for new brands getting started on social media or businesses with limited budgets. Services include:

  • Initial platform audits and competitive research
  • 3 platform profiles optimized
  • Custom 15-post monthly content calendar
  • Limited ad budget for testing
  • Monthly engagement and performance reports

Monthly Investment: $799

  1. Professional

Our most popular package, Professional is suited for brands looking for robust social media optimization. Services include:

  • In-depth platform audits and audience research
  • 5 platform profiles fully optimized
  • Custom 30-post monthly content calendar
  • More extensive ad campaigns
  • Tailored targeting and bidding
  • Bi-weekly performance calls
  • Weekly engagement and progress reports

Monthly Investment: $1,799

  1. Enterprise

For brands wanting an all-inclusive, hands-off approach, our Enterprise package offers the ultimate in social media marketing. Services include:

  • 360° audit of all social channels
  • Optimization of unlimited profiles
  • 60+ posts monthly across platforms
  • Big monthly ad spend and management
  • Daily posting and account monitoring
  • Custom reporting dashboard access
  • Dedicated Account Manager

Monthly Investment: $3,999

Get in touch for a personalized quote tailored to your business goals and needs. We’re happy to explain which package makes most sense for your brand and answer any questions.

Social Media Marketing Case Studies

Marketer has executed successful social media optimization campaigns for brands across diverse industries. Here are a few examples highlighting the results achieved for our clients:

Outdoor Gear Company

The Challenge: An outdoor gear company lacked brand awareness and engagement on social media. Their existing content failed to resonate with target audiences of outdoor enthusiasts.

Our Solution: We optimized their profiles and developed adventure lifestyle-focused content and ad campaigns targeted to relevant demographics.


  • 106% follower growth in 5 months
  • 75% higher post engagement rates
  • Increased website traffic and online sales

Regional Hotel Chain

The Challenge: A hotel chain with locations across the Midwest lacked visibility on social media and needed more direct bookings.

Our Solution: We created local event and attraction-related content for each location. Paid ads promoted limited-time offers and boosted bookings.


  • 51% increase in Facebook followers
  • 84% growth in Instagram followers
  • 22% rise in click-through rates
  • Direct room reservations increased 14%

B2B Technology Company

The Challenge: A B2B tech company wanted to attract more qualified leads but lacked brand awareness among key decision makers.

Our Solution: We optimized their LinkedIn profile and implemented an employee advocacy program, lead gen content, and targeted paid ads.


  • 378% more followers in 9 months
  • Pages per visit increased by 8%
  • Cost per lead decreased by 24%
  • 52% rise in marketing qualified leads

From small businesses to global enterprises, Marketer has the expertise to execute social media optimization tailored for your unique goals. Our case studies highlight just a fraction of the results we have achieved.

Next Steps for Your Social Media Marketing

Are you ready to expand your social media reach, improve engagement, and start converting followers into customers? Marketer has the proven solutions.

Contact us today to get a custom quote for social media optimization tailored to your business.

Fill out our short questionnaire so we understand your goals, audience, competitors, and platforms. We’ll provide you with a no-obligation proposal outlining timeframes, pricing, deliverables, and expected ROI.

Now is the time to maximize your social media marketing. Let Marketer put our expertise to work growing your brand and driving sales on social platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions we get about our social media optimization services:

How much does social media optimization cost?

Pricing depends on factors like number of platforms, targeted actions, ad budget, and content volume. Packages start at $799/month but can be customized. Get in touch for a tailored quote.

How long does it take to see results from optimization?

You should see initial positive metrics trends within 1-2 months. Continued optimization delivers compounding results over 3-6+ months.

What results can I expect from social media optimization?

Typical results include 50-100% follower and engagement growth, 10-30% increased site traffic, 15-35% more conversions, and reduced cost per lead. Results vary.

Do you optimize international social media accounts?

Yes, we have experience optimizing profiles and campaigns targeted to any country. Just let us know which regions you want to focus on.

What is your account management and reporting process?

You have access to a dedicated account manager for questions. We provide monthly performance reports, analytics, and recommendations to improve over time.

Will you create social media content like images and video?

Yes, custom visual content creation is included in our packages based on your needs. Our design team ensures content aligns with your brand.

Ready to discuss how Marketer can optimize your social media marketing? Reach out today to get started.

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