On-page SEO Services

To get effective SEO results, on-page optimization is necessary. Our on-page SEO experts do a complete analysis of your website and fix all issues to make your website more friendly for search engine crawlers.

On-Page SEO services to lift website reputation

On-page SEO is a method of making changes and maintaining the webpage quality so that google finds it easy to crawl. And further, find it credible to index and give a favorable ranking.

Google, or any other search engine, has listed numerous factors that affect keyword Ranking on SERP. On-Page SEO is among the top ranking factors that cannot be neglected at any cost. Every SEO service is parted into two segments: one is on-page SEO, whereas the other is Off-Page SEO. On-page SEO is also known as on-site SEO. Our team modifies the website to improve its crawl efficiency and keyword targeting.

On-Page SEO dynamics we consider while making the changes

At Marketer, we work as per our official SOP and make specific changes to the website to give it a Midas touch, which urges SERPs to rank the site and further adds more organic traffic to the site. With our on-site SEO, we do the same, here are some segments of the website on which we work under our on-site SEO services.

Meta Tags: Google Understanding

Every website needs to include meta tags in their code to make google realize the niche and the keyword which are related to the webpage. Every page under a website needs to have meta tags different from one another. Including keywords into meta tag is the best practice to tell google the purpose of the page and what are discoverable on the page.

On google SERP the meta tags, i.e., meta title and meta description, are shown in the result for search queries; hence we make it more interesting so that audience gets compelled to click the link. This further increase the CTR (Click Through Rate) one of the major ranking factor in SEO.

Title Tags: Very First Reflection

The title to an article or a webpage is the very first reflection of the material your website is offering. Persuasive and informative titles are more likely to be read than dull topics. Sometimes website meta tags are attractive, but the title tags are displeasing, making visitors jump from a website, which increases the bounce rate.

Our content modifiers and marketers understand what audience searches and what attracts them. Hence we place titles and topics in such a manner that are interesting and grasp the reader’s attention.

URLs: Crawler Love Them

Creating a meaningful URL is not only crucial for Google. But it also makes it easy for viewers to understand the page. It is surveyed that Google favors URLs, which are short and clean. Experts know that feeding keywords in URL are the best practice. We make changes to the existing URL and optimize them as per targeting keywords.

Placing key phrases in the URL helps Google to realize the context of the particular page. SEO-friendly URL is easy to read and makes crawling struggle free for Google. URL not only tells about the pages but sometimes it makes it easy to know the menu and sub-menus.

HTML Tags: Reading Experience

Every readable format of content is parted into heading, sub-heading, bullets, paragraphs, and quotes. Similarly, while posting content, our SEO specialists feed the content in a very appealing manner, which makes the reading experience great.

Even more, the content having distinguished heading and subheading between H1-H4 tags are not only easily readable, but it helps the Google crawler to go in-depth of content and its context.

Content: Quality & Uniqueness

Content is the most crucial feature that makes it affects the ranking of a site. Not only this, but the content is the bridge between your brand and your consumers. Better they read about the services and products; more will be the chances of making a sale.

On-page SEO includes optimizing the content as per targeted keywords. The method comprises sprinkling the keyphrases in such a manner that clears the relevancy of the page to Google Crawler. We never perform an illicit strategy by integrating too many keywords for the sake of ranking.

Internal Linking To Hold Audience

After analyzing the content and making changes to the content based on target keywords, we further do internal linking. This helps Google to crawl more than one page at a time, and check other web pages too.

We do internal linking between relevant web pages and content, which promotes and endorses each other. Even the links under anchor text help Google to tell about the keywords and makes it easy to navigate between pages.

Load Time: Make Website Fast

The biggest reason which makes visitors jump from one site to another is the load time. If the load time of a website is more, then more will be the bounce rate. In fact, Google never ranks a website, which has a higher loading time.

Our expert website developers will make changes to the site; either it needs manual fixing or some sort of plugin to boost the loading speed. User experience plays a critical role during search engine rankings; hence a faster load time can increase the probability of higher keyword ranking.

Broken Links: Eliminate at all cost

Broken links or dead links on the website can cause severe damage to the credibility of the website. In the deal of on-page SEO services, a team of optimizers will do thorough research over the site to find any kind of dead links or unwanted links which may be harming the website.

Links are the best way to pass authority from one site to another site, and it’s best to always link to a website having higher DA. We eliminate possible broken links by deleting them or trying to get them back.

Schema Markup & Integration

Schema are the best ways to target rich snippets, websites that contain schema markup have more probability of getting a rich snippet from Google. Schema markup even makes things clear for Google regarding the product, pricing, description, etc.

Every website owner, either they belong to a travel agency or an eCommerce platform needs to add schema markup in their website to showcase their packages and products on Google Search Engine Result Page. We integrate and fix schema on the website as per the guidelines provided by schema(.org).

Ratio Between HTML Code & Text

One more thing which matters in on-page SEO is the ratio between the codes and the textual content. Our SEO mavens believe that the Google algorithm likes to rank website which has a balanced ratio between content and codes

It’s great to have a balanced text to HTML code ratio, to make things easy for a search spider to determine the relevancy of the content and don’t get lost in never-ending codes.

Our on-page SEO services include

On-site SEO Audit

Our SEO specialists often start the process of on-page optimization after doing a thorough audit of the website. First, we would find all the irregularities on the site and fix them accordingly.

On-site Optimization

Once every issue has been detected using a proper SEO audit, a technical team will then look into the website to resolve the problems which may harm or cause harm to the ranking of a site.

Content Optimization

Content is the key to ranking, only good content can receive a higher ranking on SERP. We improve the quality of content and make changes based on the targeted keywords list.

Internal Link Update

Sometimes internal links can hinder the site from getting a good position on SERP. Our on-page SEO services involve an inspection of internal links and resolving the issues of broken links.

Structural Fixing

User interface and user experience are also play a ranking factor. Our team will do some structural fixing on the website to further make them more crawlable and easy to index.

Web Maintenance

This is something that not every SEO agency offers, but we know how important it is to keep the website maintenance in check so that the ranking of the site never drops and eventually improves.

We have well experienced SEO professionals in on-page optimization

Being a top-notch SEO agency in India, we have a motto of fixing our client websites and making them great. We believe in cordial growth; if our client business grows, we feel proud. Hence we keep our services very authentic and pocket-friendly. Our SEO Strategies revolve around white label SEO guidelines. And the changes we do are as per genuine SEO factors.

Say no to shady SEO services and hire the team of best SEO experts and dominate the search results with On-Page SEO, quality content, and excellent user experience. Most SEO companies give a complete package of both on-page SEO as well as Off-page SEO. But at Marketer.ltd, we have realized that several businesses require only on-page changes regularly, and very little off-page. Therefore we are introducing an affordable package just for those business owners who need On-Page SEO of their official or personal website.

  • Best On-page SEO service is going to be helpful for those who frequently update their website with fresh pages or content.
  • Our SEO experts can quickly optimize the newly created web page as well as make changes to the existing one if they required any.
  • On-page works and maintenance are vital for websites that desire to rank high for specific keywords on the Search Engine Result Page.

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